The Singapore math method is focused on mastery, which is achieved through intentional sequencing of concepts. Some of the key features of the approach include the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) progression, number bonds, bar modeling, and mental math. Instead of pushing through rote memorization, students learn to think mathematically and rely on the depth of knowledge gained in previous lessons.
As the original Science of Reading program, Amplify CKLA puts research into action with explicit, systematic foundational skills instruction and a proven knowledge-building sequence. In collaboration with education experts and practitioners, we provide powerful resources that deliver real results.
The Reading and Writing Project’s approach to instruction recognizes that “one size fits all” does not match the realities of the classrooms and schools in which they work. When you walk into a workshop classroom at any given moment, you’ll see instruction that is designed to:
help teachers address each child’s individual learning,
explicitly teach strategies students will use not only the day they are taught, but whenever they need them,
support small-group work and conferring, with multiple opportunities for personalizing instruction,
tap into the power of a learning community as a way to bring all learners along,
build choice and assessment-based learning into the very design of the curriculum,
help students work with engagement so that teachers are able to coach individuals and lead small groups.
The routines and structures of reading and writing workshop are kept simple and predictable so that the teacher can focus on the complex work of teaching in a responsive manner to accelerate achievement for all learners.
In each Educurious course, students are challenged with problems to solve that pique their curiosity. Students are learning detectives, working independently or collaboratively with their peers. Teachers provide scaffolding and guidance as students investigate the problem and propose solutions.
Second Step programs empower preschoolers, teens, and all ages in between with human skills to build lifelong success. Choose from a cohesive family of research-based programs that work together to provide kids with important skills throughout their developmental stages, and in both classroom and out-of-school time settings. In addition, our professional development program for educators brings the benefits of these important human skills to your staff and school culture, so everyone can thrive.
RAK in the Classroom® is a CASEL approved, highly effective, evidence-based, social emotional learning curriculum used all over the world, with focuses on equity, teacher self-care, digital citizenship and kindness.